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Día de selección online para Cataluña
Así es el día de selección de Acttiv ¿Y si te pagaran por hacer deporte, cantar en el karaoke, aprender idiomas y conocer a gente de todo el mundo? No, no es ciencia ficción. ¡Es la vida del animador turístico! Prepárate para cambiar la oficina por la playa, la montaña y la naturaleza. Apúntate a nuestro próximo día de selección online para Cataluña y descubre esta comunidad autónoma bañada por el Mediterráneo y por el Modernismo. ¡Da igual de dónde seas! Ah, y nada de agobiarse si no tienes experiencia previa. La animación turística es una oportunidad estupenda como primer empleo. Solo necesitas tener actitud y buena vibra, animarte con cualquier reto y derrochar energía. ¿Y cuál será tu misión? Ayudarnos a que las vacaciones de los huéspedes sean inolvidables. Si esto es lo tuyo, ¡súmate a nuestro día de selección! ¡Te estamos esperando! ¿Quién puede asistir al día de selección? No hace falta tener superpoderes para presentarte a nuestro día de selección, pero es súper importante que: Seas mayor de edad (más de 18 años) Tengas nacionalidad española, pasaporte de un país de la Unión Europea o permiso de trabajo en España Tengas un buen nivel de inglés Quieras trabajar en Cataluña También valoraremos que tengas estudios en educación infantil, experiencia con niños o como monitor deportivo, o dotes de baile y canto. Pero si no los tienes, no te preocupes. ¡No es imprescindible! ¿Te apuntas? ¿En qué consiste un día de selección? Primero que nada, déjate los nervios en casa. Esta será una de las selecciones más divertidas en las que estarás jamás. Empezaremos por la teoría, explicándote todo sobre el mundo del entretenimiento turístico y sobre cómo es trabajar con Acttiv. Una vez superada la parte teórica, podrás demostrarnos por qué eres la persona perfecta para este trabajo en una entrevista personal. Podrás contarnos más sobre ti: qué has hecho antes de llegar aquí, por qué te interesa la animación turística, qué esperas del puesto... Recuerda: ¡queremos conocerte! Será en este momento cuando aprovechemos para tener una pequeña conversación contigo en inglés y comprobar qué tal te manejas en la lengua de Shakespeare. ¿Todavía no te has apuntado? ¡Corre que los minutos vuelan!
Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Día de selección online para Cataluña
Así es el día de selección de Acttiv ¿Y si te pagaran por hacer deporte, cantar en el karaoke, aprender idiomas y conocer a gente de todo el mundo? No, no es ciencia ficción. ¡Es la vida del animador turístico! Prepárate para cambiar la oficina por la playa, la montaña y la naturaleza. Apúntate a nuestro próximo día de selección online para Cataluña y descubre esta comunidad autónoma bañada por el Mediterráneo y por el Modernismo. ¡Da igual de dónde seas! Ah, y nada de agobiarse si no tienes experiencia previa. La animación turística es una oportunidad estupenda como primer empleo. Solo necesitas tener actitud y buena vibra, animarte con cualquier reto y derrochar energía. ¿Y cuál será tu misión? Ayudarnos a que las vacaciones de los huéspedes sean inolvidables. Si esto es lo tuyo, ¡súmate a nuestro día de selección! ¡Te estamos esperando! ¿Quién puede asistir al día de selección? No hace falta tener superpoderes para presentarte a nuestro día de selección, pero es súper importante que: Seas mayor de edad (más de 18 años) Tengas nacionalidad española, pasaporte de un país de la Unión Europea o permiso de trabajo en España Tengas un buen nivel de inglés Quieras trabajar en Cataluña También valoraremos que tengas estudios en educación infantil, experiencia con niños o como monitor deportivo, o dotes de baile y canto. Pero si no los tienes, no te preocupes. ¡No es imprescindible! ¿Te apuntas? ¿En qué consiste un día de selección? Primero que nada, déjate los nervios en casa. Esta será una de las selecciones más divertidas en las que estarás jamás. Empezaremos por la teoría, explicándote todo sobre el mundo del entretenimiento turístico y sobre cómo es trabajar con Acttiv. Una vez superada la parte teórica, podrás demostrarnos por qué eres la persona perfecta para este trabajo en una entrevista personal. Podrás contarnos más sobre ti: qué has hecho antes de llegar aquí, por qué te interesa la animación turística, qué esperas del puesto... Recuerda: ¡queremos conocerte! Será en este momento cuando aprovechemos para tener una pequeña conversación contigo en inglés y comprobar qué tal te manejas en la lengua de Shakespeare. ¿Todavía no te has apuntado? ¡Corre que los minutos vuelan!
Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
2 Monate ago
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Día de selección online Benidorm
Así es el día de selección de Acttiv ¡Atención, gente de Benidorm! Si quieres tener el trabajo más divertido del mundo y que tu "oficina" sea a pie de playa, ¡sigue leyendo porque esta info es para ti! Imagina que te pagan por jugar al voleibol, echar una partida de dardos, bailar con niños o disfrazarte de un Minion. ¿Suena bien? ¡Entonces lo tuyo es ser animador turístico! Tu misión será ayudarnos a crear vacaciones inolvidables para los huéspedes. ¡Pero ojo! Esta vida no es para todo el mundo: tienes que ser una persona dinámica, llena de energía y capaz de atreverte con cualquier reto. Un auténtico todoterreno. En definitiva, alguien que se toma la diversión muy en serio. Si crees que el entretenimiento turístico te va como anillo al dedo, ¡apúntate a nuestro próximo día de selección online para Benidorm! Esta oportunidad es perfecta tanto para residentes como para estudiantes que ahora mismo estén fuera de Benidorm, pero que tengan posibilidad de residencia para pasar el verano allí. ¿Y sabes qué es lo mejor? La animación turística es una oportunidad estupenda como primer empleo, así que no hace falta tener experiencia previa. ¿Te has decidido ya? ¡Te estamos esperando! ¿Quién puede asistir al día de selección? Necesitamos que: Seas mayor de edad (más de 18 años) Tengas nacionalidad española, pasaporte de un país de la Unión Europea o permiso de trabajo en España Tengas un buen nivel de inglés Seas residente en Benidorm o puedas residir en Benidorm durante la temporada alta como Semana Santa o verano (junio-septiembre) Por otro lado, valoraremos que tengas estudios en educación infantil, experiencia con niños o como monitor deportivo, dotes de baile o sepas cantar. ¿No es el caso? ¡No te preocupes! No son requisitos imprescindibles. ¿En qué consiste un día de selección? Ante todo, déjate los nervios en casa. Esta será una de las entrevistas de trabajo más divertidas de tu vida. Y no, no estamos exagerando. Primero toca la teoría: te explicaremos todo sobre el mundo del entretenimiento turístico y sobre cómo es trabajar con Acttiv. Tras la introducción, nos pondremos manos a la obra: prepárate para demostrarnos por qué eres la persona perfecta para este trabajo. Nos conoceremos más a fondo mediante una entrevista personal. Podrás contarnos más sobre ti: qué has hecho antes de llegar a Acttiv, por qué te interesa la animación turística, qué esperas del puesto... Además, aprovechemos para tener una pequeña conversación contigo en inglés y comprobar qué tal te manejas en la lengua de Harry y Megan. ¿Te apuntas?
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Journée de sélection en ligne pour travailler en E
C'EST COMME ÇA QUE SE DÉROULE LA JOURNÉE DE SÉLECTION EN LIGNE DE ACTTIV Imagine que ton quotidien est fait de sports, d'activités pour enfants, de jeux pour toute la famille, de danses… et que tout cela est un travail ! Tu peux désormais transformer ce rêve en réalité: deviens animateur touristique avec Acttiv! Nous recherchons des jeunes avec un bon niveau d'anglais qui veulent commencer une carrière dans le monde de l'animation dans les hôtels de toute l'Espagne: Andalousie, Communauté valencienne, Murcie, Catalogne, Baléares ou îles Canaries. Il n'est pas indispensable d'avoir de l'expérience, ni dans l'animation, ni dans le travail en général. D'ailleurs, le monde de l'animation touristique est une excellente option comme premier emploi. Si tu es à la recherche d'un travail amusant, créatif, dynamique et l'idée de vivre une expérience internationale en Espagne correspond à ce que tu recherches, nous voulons te rencontrer! Inscris-toi à notre journée de sélection en ligne! Pourquoi est-ce une bonne idée de s'inscrire à la journée de sélection en ligne d'Acttiv ? La raison la plus importante, c'est de faire connaissance. Nous ne disons pas simplement que tu dois faire notre connaissance, car, pour toi, c'est aussi l'occasion idéale de savoir de première main en quoi consiste le travail d'un animateur touristique. De plus, comme il s'agit d'un entretien en ligne, une journée de sélection est un «tremplin» pour faire partie de l'équipe Acttiv à laquelle tu peux accéder de n'importe où quelles que soient les barrières géographiques. Il n'y a rien à perdre, mais beaucoup à gagner ! Qui peut assister aux journées de sélection? Nous aimerions vraiment inviter toooout le monde, mais pour pouvoir t'embaucher, il y a certaines exigences que tu dois remplir: Tu dois être majeur(e) (plus de 18 ans) Nationalité espagnole, passeport d'un pays de l'Union européenne ou permis de travail en Espagne Bon niveau d'anglais Il est utile (mais pas essentiel) d'avoir fait des études en éducation de la petite enfance ou d'avoir de l'expérience avec des enfants, en tant que moniteur sportif ou en danse et en chant. En quoi consiste une journée de sélection ? L'animation touristique n'est pas un métier comme les autres et les processus de sélection de ses employés, non plus. Fondamentalement, il s'agit d'un entretien d'embauche fait de façon amusante et détendue. Comme cela se fait en ligne, au moment de ton inscription tu recevras un e-mail avec les instructions que tu dois suivre et un lien vers l'entretien (qui se fait via Teams). Une fois le moment venu, nous te dirons tout ce que tu dois savoir sur l'animation touristique et sur l'entreprise afin que tu puisses nous demander ce que tu veux, mais aussi pour nous dire des choses sur toi: pourquoi tu veux être animateur, dans quel domaine tu préfères travailler, quelle est ta relation avec le sport ou si tu préfères travailler avec des enfants … tout! Nous consacrerons également quelques minutes à un petit dialogue en anglais, parce que comme tu le sais… it's very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time
Online recruitment day for tourist entertainers
THIS IS THE ONLINE RECRUITMENT DAY FOR TOURIST ENTERTAINMENT Imagine that your day-to-day life was full of sports, children’s activities, games for the whole family, dances… and that all of this was a job! Now you can make it happen: become a tourist entertainer with Acttiv! We are looking for young people fluent in English who want to start a career in the world of entertainment in hotels all over Spain: Málaga, Valencia, Mallorca, Canary Islands, Ibiza… It is not essential to have previous experience, neither in entertainment, nor work experience in general. In fact, the world of tourist leisure is a great option as a first job. If you are looking for a fun, creative, dynamic job and the idea of living an international experience within Spain fits what you are looking for, we want to meet you! Sign up for our online recruitment day! Why is it a good idea to sign up for Acttiv’s online recruitment day? Most importantly, to get to know us. And yes, we don’t just mean to get to know you, because it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to get to know first-hand what it’s like to work as a tourist entertainer. A selection day is a real “springboard” to become part of the Acttiv team, which you can access from anywhere, regardless of geographical barriers. There is nothing to lose, but a lot to win! Who can participate in the recruitment days? We would love to invite everyone, but in order to be able to hire you there are certain requirements you must meet: – You must be of legal age (over 18 years old)– Spanish nationality, passport from an EU country or a work permit in Spain– Good level of Spanish and English (remember this recruitment day is going to be in English)– It will be an advantage (but not mandatory) if you have a degree in early childhood education or experience with children, as a sports instructor, or dance and singing skills What does a recruitment day consist of? Tourist animation is not a job like any other and neither is the selection process of its employees. Basically, it’s a fun job interview. Once you register, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the interview (via Teams). Once the time has come, we will tell you everything you need to know about tourist entertainment and about the company so that you can ask us anything you want, but also tell us about yourself: why you want to be an entertainer, in which area you prefer to work, how well you handle sports or if you prefer to work with children… everything! We will also dedicate a few minutes to a short talk in the languages you know, because you know… it’s very important for this job!
Madrid, Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
2 Monate ago
Full Time